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LNTM 22-2022 – Gun Salute & State Funeral Arrangements

All Mariners are advised:

Effective until 20/09/2022

Gun Salute – Subject to change

Following the funeral service of Her Majesty on Mon 19 Sep 2022, it is the intent of Port Of Dartmouth Royal Regatta to match the Minute Guns fired by the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery in Hyde Park with a saluting/starting cannon fired from our vessel Hercules from mid-stream.

The Port Of Dartmouth Royal Regatta Salute will fire a single round for each minute of the procession from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch. This may take up to 45 minutes.

Viewing of the Salute will be best from immediately adjacent to Boatfloat Bridge on the Embankment.

The first round will likely to be fired at any time from 1210hrs onwards. After the first round, there is to be a single round fired each minute thereafter for approximately 45 minutes. The salute should be complete by 1300hrs.

Timings are approximate and may change on the day.


Dartmouth Fuel Barge

Dartmouth fuel barge have informed us they will be closed on Monday 19th September 2022


Dart Harbour Staff

Dart Harbour will be running at a reduced capacity owing to the bank holiday, but VHF Ch11 will be monitored between 0730 & 19:00


Yacht Taxi

Dart Harbour Yacht Taxi will be running the normal service, however Monday 19th September the hours change to 08:00 – 19:00. (this is a seasonal change and not just for the bank holiday)

Last trip for inner zone 30 mins prior to the closing time (18:30)

Last trips for the outer zone are 45 minutes prior to closing time (18:15)


Jack Handley

Assistant Harbour Master – Compliance

Issued 14/09/2022

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