LNTM 11-23 Dittisham Pier Demolition
The old concrete pier at Dittisham (50 22.97N 003 35.7W) is being demolished and replaced with a new structure of similar size and design.
The main public landing stage and pontoon at Dittisham is unaffected by these works.
Work is primarily being carried out at low tide, without significant impact to mariners as the remaining parts of the pier remain conspicuous at all states of tide. Mariners should give the pier a wide berth and not pass between the remaining columns and the shore. Any specific impact to mariners will be updated below.
****** Obstruction *****
For a period of around 2 weeks from 6th April 2023 there will be an obstruction at the end of the pier in the form of a concrete block that is awash at most states of tide. This is within the charted footprint of the pier, but around 8m to seaward of the visible parts of the pier. The contractors have marked this with 4 small red buoys.
Paul Britton
Harbour Master & CEO
Issued 6/4/2023
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