LNTM 06-24 Removal of Maureen & associated works – Parsons Mud – 2nd April onwards.
Removal of Maureen
The Ex MFV Maureen which sank at her berth, near Parsons Mud is due to be broken up in situ and removed over the course of two weeks. There will be a range of activities associated with the removal, including large barge movements and exclusion zones.
This notice is up to date on the date of issue. Any adjustments to dates or times will be posted on this same notice with a record of changes kept at the bottom.
Exclusion zone
The exclusion zone will be in place from 09:00 on Wednesday the 3rd of April until 09:00 13th April, or until works have completed. (This date could change depending on the schedule of works, however this notice will be updated if it is likely to change).
The exclusion zone is for all craft, inclusive of non-powered craft such as row boats, kayaks & paddle boards.
The water side limits of this zone are as follows.
- Northern extremity, the mooring buoy P21 in position 50° 22′.652N 003° 35′.112W
- Southern extremity, the mooring buoy P5 in position 50° 22′.475N 003° 34′.853W
Please see the diagram below.
Schedule of events:
Tuesday 2nd April
A flat top barge “TMS Sea Voyager” (34m x 11m) will depart her mooring at Noss Commercial trots, just upstream from Noss on Dart Marina at approximately 10am heading for Totnes.
She will be towed by the vessel “Spot On” assisted by Dart Harbour vessels. It is likely that a Dart Harbour patrol vessel will be in attendance during this move.
TMS Sea Voyager is expected to arrive at her berth, alongside Baltic Wharf quay in Totnes around 12:00 where she will remain overnight.
Mariners are requested to give TMS Sea Voyager and any vessels involved with the tow a wide berth during any movements and follow any directions given by Dart Harbour staff.
Wednesday 3rd April
TMS Voyager is due to depart her berth in Totnes around high water Dartmouth (HW: 13:57). She will returning down river, to moor alongside Maureen in position (approx.) 50° 22′.561N 50° 22′.561N.
Mariners are requested to give TMS Sea Voyager and any vessels involved with the tow a wide berth during any movements and follow any directions given by Dart Harbour staff.
Thursday 4th April – Friday 12th April
The removal of Maureen will take place during the dates above, utilising the spring tides.
During the 4th – 12th April, there will be daily trips made to Glampton creek with a smaller flat top barge carrying parts of the wreck. These movements are likely to be conducted over the high water periods.
Mariners are requested to give any vessels involved with the barge movements a wide berth, and follow any directions given by Dart Harbour staff. They are also requested to heed the exclusion zone (details above).
When passing the exclusion zone or any vessels involved with the works, Mariners are requested to do so at dead slow speed, with minimal wash/wake.
Wednesday 10th April 06:30
Following completion of the works, TMS Sea Voyager will again be towed to Totnes to unload. This notice will be updated once we have confirmation of the dates.
Mariners are requested to give TMS Sea Voyager and any vessels involved with the tow a wide berth during any movements and follow any directions given by Dart Harbour staff.
Environmental Considerations.
Maureen will be surrounded by a boom during the works, with pollution control equipment located near by in the unlikely event of a pollution incident.
There is however the risk of flotsam appearing around the harbour during these works. Dart Harbour will have a team on standby to recover as much as possible, however if you spot items of debris, please contact the office with a description and location and the River Team will attempt to recover it.
Record of changes:
28/03/2024 – Up to date – no changes.
09/04/2024 – Date updated for TMS Voyager departure from Parsons Mud to Totnes. (06:30 on Wednesday the 10th April)
Issued 28th March 2024
AHM – Compliance
J Handley
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